Our gems
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Only extra-quality gemstones

What makes diamonds special?
Beauty — The colorless beauty and inner fire have made this precious gem prized for centuries. Each stone's complex characteristics cannot be duplicated, and no two diamonds are the same.
Durability — A diamond is the hardest substance known to man. When cared for properly, diamond jewelry can be worn every day and passed on to the next generations.
Rarity — The supply of these gems remains limited with only 20 percent of all rough diamonds being suitable for gem cutting.
Enduring Value — These sparkling gemstones still retain value after years of being worn and enjoyed.​​​​

Moissanite is a gemstone literally born from the stars. It was first discovered in 1893 by a French scientist Henri Moissan, who later won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He discovered microscopic particles of the gem in a crater created by a meteorite that fell to Earth.
Natural moissanite is found in abundance in space, however, it is incredibly rare on Earth (mostly brought here by meteorites). So moissanite available today is exclusively lab-created.​
Moissanite is a gemstone of its own right, but it is often compared to diamonds because the two gems have comparable durability, brilliance, and color. Moissanite has even higher reflective index and it is almost as hard as diamonds.

The birthstone for December and the twenty-first wedding anniversary gemstone. The name iolite comes from Greek meaning “violet.” Iolite is commonly known as “water sapphire” in its deep blue sapphire color. Like sapphire and tanzanite, iolite is pleochroic - meaning it transmits light differently when viewed from different directions.
Vikings used iolite to reduce glare when checking the sun’s position. This “Viking compass” allowed the Nordic mariners to pinpoint their own location on the seas. Therefore, iolite, among other mystical properties, is believed to be a vision stone helping to navigate in life.

The birthstone for June. Often described by gem aficionados as “emerald by day, ruby by night” due to its chameleon-like qualities, alexandrite is the very rare color-change variety of the mineral chrysoberyl. Originally discovered in Russia’s Ural Mountains in the 1830s, it’s now found in Sri Lanka, East Africa, and Brazil, but fine alexandrites are exceptionally rare and valuable.​

Rock Crystal
Rock Srystal is the colourless variety of Quartz also called Clear Quartz. It is valued for its clarity and total lack of colour or flaws. Rock Crystal has the colorless clarity of pure water and beautiful luster which make it a popular gemstone.
Due to its clarity, Rock Crystal can also be the perfect canvas for a myriad of attractive mineral inclusions, including purple fluorite crystals, golden needles of rutile, metallic pyrite cubes, and many others.

Nacre (mother of pearl)
It is an inner shell layer; it is also the material of which pearls are composed. It is strong, resilient, and iridescent. Nacre is found in some of the most ancient lineages of bivalves, gastropods, and cephalopods. It is most commonly found in pearl oysters, freshwater mussels, and abalone. However, the inner layer in the great majority of mollusc shells is porcellaneous, not nacreous, and this usually results in a non-iridescent shine, or more rarely in non-nacreous iridescence such as flame structureas is found in conch pearls.
To protect the inside of their shells from parasites and foreign irritants, the mollusk coats it with nacre—an organic substance that gives mother-of-pearl its iridescent effect and distinct beauty. This multicolored iridescence is caused by the way light reflects on the layers of nacre on the shell.

The birthstone for January. Garnets have been used as gemstones and abrasives since the Bronze Age.
Red garnet necklaces adorned the necks of Egypt’s pharaohs, and were entombed with their mummified corpses as prized possessions for the afterlife.
In ancient Rome, signet rings with carved garnets were used to stamp the wax that secured important documents.
Red garnets are the most popular but these gemstones can be found in almost every color.

The birthstone for December. Exotic tanzanite is found in only one place on earth, near majestic Mount Kilimanjaro. Tiffany & Co named this blue-violet variety of zoisite in honor of Tanzania, where it was first unearthed in 1967.
Top-quality tanzanite can be violetish blue - similar to a fine sapphire color or a unique, violet hue. Lighter toned pastel hues are more plentiful and affordable than vivid colors and have a subtle appeal of their own.

Some consider Kunzite to be an alternate birthstone for February.
Kunzite is the best-known variety of the mineral spodumene. It’s named after famed gemologist George Frederick Kunz, who was the first to identify it as a unique variety of spodumene.
Kunzite gets its delicate color from trace amounts of manganese. California’s San Diego County is an important source of Kunzite. In spite of its rarity and beauty, Kunzite can be quite affordable because it’s relatively unknown.

Pearl farming has only been around for about 100 years and before scientists discovered a way to cultivate pearls they were almost extinct. Nowadays the majority of pearls are cultivated but the process is not much different from how pearls are created naturally. A mother of pearl nucleus is planted into the mollusc which activates its natural protective response as it’s seen as an intruder. It is then covered by a nacre coating. The longer it cultivates, the thicker the pearl and usually the deeper the lustre. The pearls are kept in rafts out at sea that are sheltered from the worst of the weather and rich in natural nutrients and as the oysters feed and grow they deposit layers of lustre. Like with any natural process the quality, shape and size of pearls vary.
The pearls we currently work with are triple AAA grade freshwater and Akoya cultured pearls which are the finest on the market.
Learn more about how we choose only best gemstones here

The birthstone for November. Citrine is the transparent, pale yellow to brownish orange variety of quartz. Citrine is rare in nature. It is an attractive alternative not only for topaz, but also for yellow sapphire. The finest citrine color is a saturated yellow to reddish orange free of brownish tints.
Like other members of the quartz family, Citrine is not the hardest of gemstones and needs to be protected from scratches, otherwise, it is a durable and beautiful stone.

The birthstone for November. Topaz has a wide color range that includes various tones and saturations of blue, green, brown, yellow, orange, red, pink, and purple.
Colorless topaz is plentiful, and is often treated to give it a blue colour. Imperial topaz is one of the gem’s most expensive colours, it is a medium reddish orange to orange-red. Sherry topaz is a yellowish brown or brownish-yellow to orange. These are often called precious topaz to help distinguish them from the similarly coloured citrine and smoky quartz.
Topaz is also pleochroic, meaning that the gem can show different colors in different crystal directions.

The birthstone for May. Emerald is one of the four recognized precious gemstones. The others are ruby, sapphire, and diamond. Top quality emeralds can be worth more than diamonds per carat. The stone's hue is unmatched, making it one of the most sought-after gemstones on the market. Valuable emeralds are very transparent and aren't too dark or too light.
Most emeralds have some type of inclusion or imperfection. So, instead of the term imperfection, emerald inclusions are commonly referred to as an internal "jardin" (garden in French). The gem is not as hard as diamond or sapphire but it is still very durable and suitable for everyday wear.

The birthstone for March, aquamarine is one of the most popular members of the beryl family, a sibling to emerald and morganite, among others.
Aquamarine's tranquil color and crystalline clarity capture the beauty of the sea, which is reflected in its name formed from the Latin words "aqua," meaning water, and "mare," meaning sea. Its clarity, in fact, is one of the highest among gemstones. The color ranges from very clear, almost transparent to rich blue or green hue. Stones rich in blue are also called 'Sky Blue' and are typically more valuable than green hues. Ultimately, however, the right hue is a matter of personal preference.

The birthstone for September. Deep blue sapphires have long been associated with royalty (which may have contributed to the naming of the color “royal blue”). The most famous royal sapphire today is the engagement ring once worn by Lady Diana, and now worn by Princess Catherine. It features an 18-carat oval blue sapphire surrounded by light-blue diamonds.
The best-known sapphires are the rich blue variety. Cornflower blue sapphires are also highly-priced but sapphires actually come in every color of the rainbow. Red sapphires are better known as rubies.
Sapphires are among the most durable naturally occurring elements in the world, conceding in hardness only to diamond and moissanite.

The birthstone for July. The name ruby comes from the Latin word ruber, which means “red.” Only red gem-quality corundum is called ruby, other varieties are called sapphires. ​Some gemologists debate the borderline between ruby and pink sapphire.
Color is the most significant factor affecting a ruby’s value. The finest ruby has a pure, vibrant red to slightly purplish red color. As the color becomes too orangy or more purplish, the ruby moves down the quality scale. The color must be neither too dark nor too light to be considered finest quality.
Ruby can command the highest prices of any colored gemstone due to combination of its colour, hardness, and historical significance, driving its popularity.

The birthstone for August. Also known as the Black Prince’s Ruby and the Timur Ruby. For centuries spinel masqueraded as ruby in Europe’s crown jewels, as some of the world’s most illustrious “rubies” are actually spinel.
Spinel, like sapphire, comes in a rainbow of colours. The most valued colors are bright red, cobalt blue, and vivid pink and orange. Violet and pale lavender are also beautiful but more affordable.
The stone is almost as hard and ruby and sapphire. Less included stones are typically more valuable than ones with visible inclusions. However, inclusions may be associated with “naturality” of the stone and make each stone unique.

The birthstone for February. Fine amethyst is the most precious of the quartz family. Colours range from purple and violet to light pink. Grows in a ‘geode’, inside a rock formation, and when in this state you can see the colour varying through the stone. ​
Amethyst was as expensive as ruby and emerald until the 19th century, when Brazil’s large deposits were discovered and the stone became more affordable. Amethysts can be found set in religious jewelry and royal crown jewels.
Amethyst is a relatively durable gem, but can be easily scratched so should be kept separate from other stones and metals​​.

Paraiba Tourmaline
First discovered in the 1980s in the hills of the Brazilian state of Paraiba, in just a few decades, Paraiba tourmalines have become one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world.
Almost every shade of tourmaline can be found in Brazil, but it is the incandescent glow that appears to light up the stone from within that makes Paraiba tourmalines incomparable to any other gem.
To put their rarity into perspective, there is only one Paraiba tourmaline mined for every 10,000 diamonds. So rare are authentic Brazilian Paraiba tourmalines that it is not unusual for them to achieve five figures per carat.

Rubellites are also from the tourmaline family. Only gems with reasonably saturated dark pink to red colors and medium to dark tones are considered to be rubellites. They make excellent jewelry stones, and ruby-red colored specimens without orange or brown overtones are highly prized.
They almost always contain inclusions (needle-like inclusions can also create cat’s eye gems). Due to their scarcity and beauty, collectors and jewelry buyers value untreated, eye-clean or better rubellite gems most highly.​

The birthstone for October. Tourmaline is the name of a large group of minerals which share a common crystal structure and similar physical properties but vary tremendously in chemical composition. The wide range of compositions and colour zoning within crystals causes tourmaline to occur in more colours and colour combinations than any other mineral group. This results in tourmalines come in a wide variety of the most exciting colours.
A tourmaline’s chemical composition is one of the most complex among gemstones and directly influences its physical properties and its colour. Tourmaline has never been synthesized. It is durable and reasonably hard, which makes it a very popular stone widely used in jewellery making.

The birthstone for August. Found in lava, meteorites, and deep in the earth’s mantle, yellow-green Peridot is the extreme gem. The Egyptians called it the “gem of the sun.” The actual word peridot comes from the Arabic “faridat,” which means “gem.”
From the earliest times, people confused this stone with other gems. Some historians believe that Cleopatra’s famous emerald collection might actually have been at least parcially peridot. For centuries, people believed the fabulous 200ct. gems adorning the shrine of the Three Holy Kings in Germany’s Cologne Cathedral were emeralds. They are, in fact, peridots.
Today this gem is still prized for its restful yellowish green hues and long history.

Lavender Quartz
Lavender Quartz is a variety of Rose Quartz. However, a rarer pinkish-purple gemstone only comes from the Boquira Mine in the northern Brazilian state of Bahia. Named for the flower, Lavender Quartz’s attractive colour in combination with its delicate brilliance are what makes this gem so desirable.
Lavender Quartz is a durable gemstone (Mohs’ Hardness: 7) well-suited to everyday wear. However, always store Lavender Quartz carefully to avoid scuffs and scratches.

The birthstone for October. Gem-quality opal is one of the most spectacular gemstones. A single stone can flash every colour of the spectrum with an intensity and quality of colour that can surpass the "fire" of diamond. The best opals can command prices per carat that rival expensive diamonds, rubies and emeralds. Opal is one of the most popular gems.
Opal is a wonderful stone however, it is softer than most other gemstones. Because of that opal is best suited for use in earrings, brooches and other pieces of jewellery that rarely encounter scuffs and impacts. When used in a ring, the best designs have a bezel that fully protects the stone.